baseURL: '' title: The no-JS Club | Promenade for JavaScript freed websites author: shruub copyright: 'Copyright © 2022, Frank Homburg, © 2023-2024 shruub' languageCode: en-US enableRobotsTXT: true params: description: Showcase of JavaScript liberated websites favicon: favicon.ico title: The no-JS Club hideMadeWithLine: false dateFormat: '2006-01-02' menu: main: - name: Members url: /members/ weight: 10 - name: FAQ url: /faq/ weight: 20 markup: highlight: anchorLineNos: false codeFences: true guessSyntax: false hl_Lines: '' lineAnchors: '' lineNoStart: 1 lineNos: true lineNumbersInTable: true noClasses: true style: dracula tabWidth: 2 defaultMarkdownHandler: goldmark asciidocExt: backend: html5 extensions: [] failureLevel: fatal noHeaderOrFooter: true preserveTOC: false safeMode: unsafe sectionNumbers: false trace: false verbose: false workingFolderCurrent: false attributes: {} goldmark: extensions: definitionList: true footnote: true linkify: true strikethrough: true table: true taskList: true typographer: true parser: autoHeadingID: true autoHeadingIDType: github attribute: block: false title: true renderer: hardWraps: false unsafe: true xhtml: false tableOfContents: endLevel: 3 ordered: false startLevel: 2 imaging: resampleFilter: box quality: 75 anchor: smart bgColor: '#ffffff' disableDate: true disableLatLong: true