updated WS content

Frank Homburg 3 years ago
parent 4cf088875e
commit ea5473f9cc

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Welcome To The no-JS.club Project
The Internet, as we have to experience it today, is an unnecessarily inflated creature.
The Internet as we find it today is, unfortunately, a completely bloated mess.
Far too often, mechanisms are used that are absolutely unnecessary. Have we forgotten the tools of the early days and their ease of use?
For this reason I welcome projects like the [1MB.club](https://1MB.club), [512KB.club](https://512KB.club), [250KB.club](https://250KB.club) and [noJS.club](https://noJS.club) very much!
Nowadays, also for the private homepage, because everything is so nicely clickable, one quickly reaches for top dogs like WordPress. Quickly click a few plug-ins and the data sling is ready. The visitor of the website is gifted with **several hundred kilo bytes, or more, of JavaScript** - thank you, but NO thank you.
These clubs are provided lists of websites that meet certain criteria. Everybody can **free of charge** submit a request for the listing of his homepage and as soon as the request has been checked and confirmed, the respective list will be extended by the website.
And here comes the reborn no-JS.club into play. If you don't use JavaScript on your homepage, gift your website a **free membership in the no-JS.club**.
Inspired by these projects and driven by the fact that the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/karan/nojs.club) of the **noJS.club** has been archived by its founder [Karan Goel](https://goel.io/nojs-club) and thus unfortunately no new membership application can be submitted, I am succeeding him with the [no-JS.club](https://no-JS.club).
## List Of Proud Club Members
[##](##) List Of Proud Club Members
{{< csv-table >}}

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