<description>Recent content in The no-JS.club | Promenade for JavaScript freed websites on The no-JS Club | Promenade for JavaScript freed websites</description>
Important to know What we expect from a member website SFW content JavaScript-free code accessible via HTTPS What do you mean by SFW? SFW stands for Save For Work and if your site fits into this category, you can easily measure as follows:</description>
Some time ago you asked for a membership in the noJS club a project by Karan Goel, see https://github.com/karan/nojs.club/. Since the previously mentioned repository has been archived, I thought it would be nice to start the successor https://no-JS.club of this wonderful project.
What I did so far was to check if all members of the old project are still not making use of JavaScript and if so, I added them as members of the no-JS.</description>