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Charles Hall 6ae5143ff5
only listen on IPv6 since that's what conduit does
11 months ago
.. only listen on IPv6 since that's what conduit does 11 months ago

Conduit for Nix/NixOS

This guide assumes you have a recent version of Nix (^2.4) installed.

Since Conduit ships as a Nix flake, you'll first need to enable flakes.

You can now use the usual Nix commands to interact with Conduit's flake. For example, nix run gitlab:famedly/conduit will run Conduit (though you'll need to provide configuration and such manually as usual).

If your NixOS configuration is defined as a flake, you can depend on this flake to provide a more up-to-date version than provided by nixpkgs. In your flake, add the following to your inputs:

conduit = {
    url = "gitlab:famedly/conduit";

    # Assuming you have an input for nixpkgs called `nixpkgs`. If you experience
    # build failures while using this, try commenting/deleting this line. This
    # will probably also require you to always build from source.
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

Next, make sure you're passing your flake inputs to the specialArgs argument of nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem as explained here. This guide will assume you've named the group flake-inputs.

Now you can configure Conduit and a reverse proxy for it. Add the following to a new Nix file and include it in your configuration:

{ config
, pkgs
, flake-inputs
, ...

  # You'll need to edit these values

  # The hostname that will appear in your user and room IDs
  server_name = "";

  # The hostname that Conduit actually runs on
  # This can be the same as `server_name` if you want. This is only necessary
  # when Conduit is running on a different machine than the one hosting your
  # root domain. This configuration also assumes this is all running on a single
  # machine, some tweaks will need to be made if this is not the case.
  matrix_hostname = "matrix.${server_name}";

  # An admin email for TLS certificate notifications
  admin_email = "admin@${server_name}";

  # These ones you can leave alone

  # Build a dervation that stores the content of `${server_name}/.well-known/matrix/server`
  well_known_server = pkgs.writeText "well-known-matrix-server" ''
      "m.server": "${matrix_hostname}"

  # Build a dervation that stores the content of `${server_name}/.well-known/matrix/client`
  well_known_client = pkgs.writeText "well-known-matrix-client" ''
      "m.homeserver": {
        "base_url": "https://${matrix_hostname}"

  # Configure Conduit itself
  services.matrix-conduit = {
    enable = true;

    # This causes NixOS to use the flake defined in this repository instead of
    # the build of Conduit built into nixpkgs.
    package = flake-inputs.conduit.packages.${pkgs.system}.default; = {
      inherit server_name;

  # Configure automated TLS acquisition/renewal
  security.acme = {
    acceptTerms = true;
    defaults = {
      email = admin_email;

  # ACME data must be readable by the NGINX user
  users.users.nginx.extraGroups = [

  # Configure NGINX as a reverse proxy
  services.nginx = {
    enable = true;
    recommendedProxySettings = true;

    virtualHosts = {
      "${matrix_hostname}" = {
        forceSSL = true;
        enableACME = true;

        listen = [
            addr = "";
            port = 443;
            ssl = true;
            addr = "[::]";
            port = 443;
            ssl = true;
          }          {
            addr = "";
            port = 8448;
            ssl = true;
            addr = "[::]";
            port = 8448;
            ssl = true;

        locations."/_matrix/" = {
          proxyPass = "http://backend_conduit$request_uri";
          proxyWebsockets = true;
          extraConfig = ''
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_buffering off;

        extraConfig = ''
          merge_slashes off;

      "${server_name}" = {
        forceSSL = true;
        enableACME = true;

        locations."=/.well-known/matrix/server" = {
          # Use the contents of the derivation built previously
          alias = "${well_known_server}";

          extraConfig = ''
            # Set the header since by default NGINX thinks it's just bytes
            default_type application/json;

        locations."=/.well-known/matrix/client" = {
          # Use the contents of the derivation built previously
          alias = "${well_known_client}";

          extraConfig = ''
            # Set the header since by default NGINX thinks it's just bytes
            default_type application/json;

            add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*";

    upstreams = {
      "backend_conduit" = {
        servers = {
          "[::1]:${toString}" = { };

  # Open firewall ports for HTTP, HTTPS, and Matrix federation
  networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 8448 ];
  networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 80 443 8448 ];

Now you can rebuild your system configuration and you should be good to go!