#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)] mod data; mod database; mod pdu; mod ruma_wrapper; mod utils; pub use data::Data; pub use database::Database; pub use pdu::PduEvent; use log::debug; use rocket::{get, options, post, put, routes, State}; use ruma_client_api::{ error::{Error, ErrorKind}, r0::{ account::{ register, AuthenticationFlow, UserInteractiveAuthenticationInfo, UserInteractiveAuthenticationResponse, }, alias::get_alias, filter::{self, create_filter, get_filter}, keys::get_keys, membership::{join_room_by_id, join_room_by_id_or_alias}, message::create_message_event, presence::set_presence, push::get_pushrules_all, room::create_room, session::{get_login_types, login}, state::{create_state_event_for_empty_key, create_state_event_for_key}, sync::sync_events, }, unversioned::get_supported_versions, }; use ruma_events::EventType; use ruma_identifiers::{RoomId, RoomIdOrAliasId, UserId}; use ruma_wrapper::{MatrixResult, Ruma}; use serde_json::json; use std::{collections::HashMap, convert::TryInto, path::PathBuf, time::Duration}; const GUEST_NAME_LENGTH: usize = 10; const DEVICE_ID_LENGTH: usize = 10; const SESSION_ID_LENGTH: usize = 256; const TOKEN_LENGTH: usize = 256; #[get("/_matrix/client/versions")] fn get_supported_versions_route() -> MatrixResult { MatrixResult(Ok(get_supported_versions::Response { versions: vec!["r0.6.0".to_owned()], unstable_features: HashMap::new(), })) } #[post("/_matrix/client/r0/register", data = "")] fn register_route( data: State, body: Ruma, ) -> MatrixResult { if body.auth.is_none() { return MatrixResult(Err(UserInteractiveAuthenticationResponse::AuthResponse( UserInteractiveAuthenticationInfo { flows: vec![AuthenticationFlow { stages: vec!["m.login.dummy".to_owned()], }], completed: vec![], params: json!({}), session: Some(utils::random_string(SESSION_ID_LENGTH)), }, ))); } // Validate user id let user_id: UserId = match (*format!( "@{}:{}", body.username .clone() .unwrap_or_else(|| utils::random_string(GUEST_NAME_LENGTH)), data.hostname() )) .try_into() { Err(_) => { debug!("Username invalid"); return MatrixResult(Err(UserInteractiveAuthenticationResponse::MatrixError( Error { kind: ErrorKind::InvalidUsername, message: "Username was invalid.".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, }, ))); } Ok(user_id) => user_id, }; // Check if username is creative enough if data.user_exists(&user_id) { debug!("ID already taken"); return MatrixResult(Err(UserInteractiveAuthenticationResponse::MatrixError( Error { kind: ErrorKind::UserInUse, message: "Desired user ID is already taken.".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, }, ))); } // Create user data.user_add(&user_id, body.password.clone()); // Generate new device id if the user didn't specify one let device_id = body .device_id .clone() .unwrap_or_else(|| utils::random_string(DEVICE_ID_LENGTH)); // Add device data.device_add(&user_id, &device_id); // Generate new token for the device let token = utils::random_string(TOKEN_LENGTH); data.token_replace(&user_id, &device_id, token.clone()); MatrixResult(Ok(register::Response { access_token: Some(token), user_id, device_id: Some(device_id), })) } #[get("/_matrix/client/r0/login", data = "<_body>")] fn get_login_route( _body: Ruma, ) -> MatrixResult { MatrixResult(Ok(get_login_types::Response { flows: vec![get_login_types::LoginType::Password], })) } #[post("/_matrix/client/r0/login", data = "")] fn login_route(data: State, body: Ruma) -> MatrixResult { // Validate login method let user_id = if let (login::UserInfo::MatrixId(mut username), login::LoginInfo::Password { password }) = (body.user.clone(), body.login_info.clone()) { if !username.contains(':') { username = format!("@{}:{}", username, data.hostname()); } if let Ok(user_id) = (*username).try_into() { if !data.user_exists(&user_id) {} // Check password if let Some(correct_password) = data.password_get(&user_id) { if password == correct_password { // Success! user_id } else { debug!("Invalid password."); return MatrixResult(Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::Forbidden, message: "".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::FORBIDDEN, })); } } else { debug!("UserId does not exist (has no assigned password). Can't log in."); return MatrixResult(Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::Forbidden, message: "".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::FORBIDDEN, })); } } else { debug!("Invalid UserId."); return MatrixResult(Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::InvalidUsername, message: "Bad user id.".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, })); } } else { debug!("Bad login type"); return MatrixResult(Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::Unknown, message: "Bad login type.".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, })); }; // Generate new device id if the user didn't specify one let device_id = body .device_id .clone() .unwrap_or_else(|| utils::random_string(DEVICE_ID_LENGTH)); // Add device data.device_add(&user_id, &device_id); // Generate a new token for the device let token = utils::random_string(TOKEN_LENGTH); data.token_replace(&user_id, &device_id, token.clone()); MatrixResult(Ok(login::Response { user_id, access_token: token, home_server: Some(data.hostname().to_owned()), device_id, well_known: None, })) } #[get("/_matrix/client/r0/pushrules")] fn get_pushrules_all_route() -> MatrixResult { // TODO MatrixResult(Ok(get_pushrules_all::Response { global: HashMap::new(), })) } #[get( "/_matrix/client/r0/user/<_user_id>/filter/<_filter_id>", data = "" )] fn get_filter_route( body: Ruma, _user_id: String, _filter_id: String, ) -> MatrixResult { // TODO MatrixResult(Ok(get_filter::Response { filter: filter::FilterDefinition { event_fields: None, event_format: None, account_data: None, room: None, presence: None, }, })) } #[post("/_matrix/client/r0/user/<_user_id>/filter", data = "")] fn create_filter_route( body: Ruma, _user_id: String, ) -> MatrixResult { // TODO MatrixResult(Ok(create_filter::Response { filter_id: utils::random_string(10), })) } #[put("/_matrix/client/r0/presence/<_user_id>/status", data = "")] fn set_presence_route( body: Ruma, _user_id: String, ) -> MatrixResult { // TODO MatrixResult(Ok(set_presence::Response)) } #[post("/_matrix/client/r0/keys/query", data = "")] fn get_keys_route(body: Ruma) -> MatrixResult { // TODO MatrixResult(Ok(get_keys::Response { failures: HashMap::new(), device_keys: HashMap::new(), })) } #[post("/_matrix/client/r0/createRoom", data = "")] fn create_room_route( data: State, body: Ruma, ) -> MatrixResult { // TODO: check if room is unique let room_id = RoomId::new(data.hostname()).expect("host is valid"); let user_id = body.user_id.clone().expect("user is authenticated"); data.pdu_append( room_id.clone(), user_id.clone(), EventType::RoomCreate, json!({ "creator": user_id }), None, Some("".to_owned()), ); data.pdu_append( room_id.clone(), user_id.clone(), EventType::RoomName, json!({"name": body.name}), None, Some("".to_owned()), ); data.pdu_append( room_id.clone(), user_id.clone(), EventType::RoomTopic, json!({"topic": body.topic}), None, Some("".to_owned()), ); data.room_join(&room_id, &user_id); MatrixResult(Ok(create_room::Response { room_id })) } #[get("/_matrix/client/r0/directory/room/")] fn get_alias_route(room_alias: String) -> MatrixResult { // TODO let room_id = match &*room_alias { "#room:localhost" => "!xclkjvdlfj:localhost", _ => { debug!("Room not found."); return MatrixResult(Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::NotFound, message: "Room not found.".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, })); } } .try_into() .unwrap(); MatrixResult(Ok(get_alias::Response { room_id, servers: vec!["localhost".to_owned()], })) } #[post("/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/<_room_id>/join", data = "")] fn join_room_by_id_route( data: State, body: Ruma, _room_id: String, ) -> MatrixResult { if data.room_join( &body.room_id, body.user_id.as_ref().expect("user is authenticated"), ) { MatrixResult(Ok(join_room_by_id::Response { room_id: body.room_id.clone(), })) } else { MatrixResult(Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::NotFound, message: "Room not found.".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, })) } } #[post("/_matrix/client/r0/join/<_room_id_or_alias>", data = "")] fn join_room_by_id_or_alias_route( data: State, body: Ruma, _room_id_or_alias: String, ) -> MatrixResult { let room_id = match &body.room_id_or_alias { RoomIdOrAliasId::RoomAliasId(alias) => match alias.alias() { "#room:localhost" => "!xclkjvdlfj:localhost".try_into().unwrap(), _ => { debug!("Room not found."); return MatrixResult(Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::NotFound, message: "Room not found.".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, })); } }, RoomIdOrAliasId::RoomId(id) => id.clone(), }; if data.room_join( &room_id, body.user_id.as_ref().expect("user is authenticated"), ) { MatrixResult(Ok(join_room_by_id_or_alias::Response { room_id })) } else { MatrixResult(Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::NotFound, message: "Room not found.".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, })) } } #[put( "/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/<_room_id>/send/<_event_type>/<_txn_id>", data = "" )] fn create_message_event_route( data: State, _room_id: String, _event_type: String, _txn_id: String, body: Ruma, ) -> MatrixResult { let mut unsigned = serde_json::Map::new(); unsigned.insert("transaction_id".to_owned(), body.txn_id.clone().into()); let event_id = data.pdu_append( body.room_id.clone(), body.user_id.clone().expect("user is authenticated"), body.event_type.clone(), body.json_body.clone(), Some(unsigned), None, ); MatrixResult(Ok(create_message_event::Response { event_id })) } #[put( "/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/<_room_id>/state/<_event_type>/<_state_key>", data = "" )] fn create_state_event_for_key_route( data: State, _room_id: String, _event_type: String, _state_key: String, body: Ruma, ) -> MatrixResult { // Reponse of with/without key is the same let event_id = data.pdu_append( body.room_id.clone(), body.user_id.clone().expect("user is authenticated"), body.event_type.clone(), body.json_body.clone(), None, Some(body.state_key.clone()), ); MatrixResult(Ok(create_state_event_for_key::Response { event_id })) } #[put( "/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/<_room_id>/state/<_event_type>", data = "" )] fn create_state_event_for_empty_key_route( data: State, _room_id: String, _event_type: String, body: Ruma, ) -> MatrixResult { // Reponse of with/without key is the same let event_id = data.pdu_append( body.room_id.clone(), body.user_id.clone().expect("user is authenticated"), body.event_type.clone(), body.json_body, None, Some("".to_owned()), ); MatrixResult(Ok(create_state_event_for_empty_key::Response { event_id })) } #[get("/_matrix/client/r0/sync", data = "")] fn sync_route( data: State, body: Ruma, ) -> MatrixResult { std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(200)); let next_batch = data.last_pdu_index().to_string(); let mut joined_rooms = HashMap::new(); let joined_roomids = data.rooms_joined(body.user_id.as_ref().expect("user is authenticated")); for room_id in joined_roomids { let pdus = if let Some(since) = body.since.clone().and_then(|string| string.parse().ok()) { data.pdus_since(&room_id, since) } else { data.pdus_all(&room_id) }; let room_events = pdus.into_iter().map(|pdu| pdu.to_room_event()).collect(); joined_rooms.insert( room_id.try_into().unwrap(), sync_events::JoinedRoom { account_data: sync_events::AccountData { events: Vec::new() }, summary: sync_events::RoomSummary { heroes: Vec::new(), joined_member_count: None, invited_member_count: None, }, unread_notifications: sync_events::UnreadNotificationsCount { highlight_count: None, notification_count: None, }, timeline: sync_events::Timeline { limited: Some(false), prev_batch: Some("".to_owned()), events: room_events, }, state: sync_events::State { events: Vec::new() }, ephemeral: sync_events::Ephemeral { events: Vec::new() }, }, ); } MatrixResult(Ok(sync_events::Response { next_batch, rooms: sync_events::Rooms { leave: Default::default(), join: joined_rooms, invite: Default::default(), }, presence: sync_events::Presence { events: Vec::new() }, device_lists: Default::default(), device_one_time_keys_count: Default::default(), to_device: sync_events::ToDevice { events: Vec::new() }, })) } #[options("/<_segments..>")] fn options_route(_segments: PathBuf) -> MatrixResult { MatrixResult(Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::NotFound, message: "This is the options route.".to_owned(), status_code: http::StatusCode::OK, })) } fn main() { // Log info by default if let Err(_) = std::env::var("RUST_LOG") { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "matrixserver=debug,info"); } pretty_env_logger::init(); let data = Data::load_or_create("localhost"); data.debug(); rocket::ignite() .mount( "/", routes![ get_supported_versions_route, register_route, get_login_route, login_route, get_pushrules_all_route, get_filter_route, create_filter_route, set_presence_route, get_keys_route, create_room_route, get_alias_route, join_room_by_id_route, join_room_by_id_or_alias_route, create_message_event_route, create_state_event_for_key_route, create_state_event_for_empty_key_route, sync_route, options_route, ], ) .manage(data) .launch() .unwrap(); }