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use log::error;
use http::header::{HeaderValue, AUTHORIZATION};
use ruma_api::{
error::{FromHttpRequestError, FromHttpResponseError},
Endpoint, Outgoing,
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
4 years ago
pub async fn send_request<T: Endpoint>(
4 years ago
data: &crate::Data,
destination: String,
request: T,
) -> Option<<T::Response as Outgoing>::Incoming>
// We need to duplicate Endpoint's where clauses because the compiler is not smart enough yet.
// See
<T as Outgoing>::Incoming: TryFrom<http::Request<Vec<u8>>, Error = FromHttpRequestError>,
<T::Response as Outgoing>::Incoming: TryFrom<
Error = FromHttpResponseError<<T as Endpoint>::ResponseError>,
4 years ago
T::Error: std::fmt::Debug,
let mut http_request: http::Request<_> = request.try_into().unwrap();
let uri = destination.clone() + T::METADATA.path;
*http_request.uri_mut() = uri.parse().unwrap();
let body = http_request.body();
let mut request_json = if !body.is_empty() {
} else {
4 years ago
let request_map = request_json.as_object_mut().unwrap();
request_map.insert("method".to_owned(), T::METADATA.method.to_string().into());
request_map.insert("uri".to_owned(), uri.into());
request_map.insert("origin".to_owned(), data.hostname().into());
4 years ago
request_map.insert("destination".to_owned(), destination.to_string().into());
ruma_signatures::sign_json(data.hostname(), data.keypair(), dbg!(&mut request_json)).unwrap();
let signatures = request_json["signatures"]
.map(|(k, v)| (k, v.as_str().unwrap()));
for s in signatures {
http_request.headers_mut().insert(AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue::from_str(dbg!(&format!("X-Matrix origin={},key=\"{}\",sig=\"{}\"", data.hostname(), s.0, s.1))).unwrap());
let reqwest_response = data
// Because reqwest::Response -> http::Response is complicated:
match reqwest_response {
Ok(mut reqwest_response) => {
let status = reqwest_response.status();
let mut http_response = http::Response::builder().status(status);
let headers = http_response.headers_mut().unwrap();
for (k, v) in reqwest_response.headers_mut().drain() {
if let Some(key) = k {
headers.insert(key, v);
let body = reqwest_response
Some(<T::Response as Outgoing>::Incoming::try_from(dbg!(http_response.body(body).unwrap())).ok().unwrap())
Err(e) => {
println!("ERROR: {}", e);
4 years ago