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mod edus;
pub use edus::RoomEdus;
use crate::{
pdu::{EventHash, PduBuilder},
utils, Database, Error, PduEvent, Result,
use lru_cache::LruCache;
use regex::Regex;
use ring::digest;
use ruma::{
api::{client::error::ErrorKind, federation},
member::{MembershipState, RoomMemberEventContent},
2 years ago
AnyStrippedStateEvent, AnySyncStateEvent, GlobalAccountDataEventType,
RoomAccountDataEventType, RoomEventType, StateEventType,
push::{Action, Ruleset, Tweak},
serde::{CanonicalJsonObject, CanonicalJsonValue, Raw},
state_res::{self, RoomVersion, StateMap},
uint, DeviceId, EventId, RoomAliasId, RoomId, RoomVersionId, ServerName, UserId,
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_json::value::to_raw_value;
use std::{
collections::{hash_map, BTreeMap, HashMap, HashSet},
sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock},
use tokio::sync::MutexGuard;
use tracing::{error, warn};
use super::{abstraction::Tree, pusher};
/// The unique identifier of each state group.
/// This is created when a state group is added to the database by
/// hashing the entire state.
pub type StateHashId = Vec<u8>;
pub type CompressedStateEvent = [u8; 2 * size_of::<u64>()];
pub struct Rooms {
pub edus: RoomEdus,
pub(super) pduid_pdu: Arc<dyn Tree>, // PduId = ShortRoomId + Count
pub(super) eventid_pduid: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) roomid_pduleaves: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) alias_roomid: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) aliasid_alias: Arc<dyn Tree>, // AliasId = RoomId + Count
pub(super) publicroomids: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) tokenids: Arc<dyn Tree>, // TokenId = ShortRoomId + Token + PduIdCount
/// Participating servers in a room.
pub(super) roomserverids: Arc<dyn Tree>, // RoomServerId = RoomId + ServerName
pub(super) serverroomids: Arc<dyn Tree>, // ServerRoomId = ServerName + RoomId
pub(super) userroomid_joined: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) roomuserid_joined: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) roomid_joinedcount: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) roomid_invitedcount: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) roomuseroncejoinedids: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) userroomid_invitestate: Arc<dyn Tree>, // InviteState = Vec<Raw<Pdu>>
pub(super) roomuserid_invitecount: Arc<dyn Tree>, // InviteCount = Count
pub(super) userroomid_leftstate: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) roomuserid_leftcount: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) disabledroomids: Arc<dyn Tree>, // Rooms where incoming federation handling is disabled
pub(super) lazyloadedids: Arc<dyn Tree>, // LazyLoadedIds = UserId + DeviceId + RoomId + LazyLoadedUserId
pub(super) userroomid_notificationcount: Arc<dyn Tree>, // NotifyCount = u64
pub(super) userroomid_highlightcount: Arc<dyn Tree>, // HightlightCount = u64
/// Remember the current state hash of a room.
pub(super) roomid_shortstatehash: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) roomsynctoken_shortstatehash: Arc<dyn Tree>,
/// Remember the state hash at events in the past.
pub(super) shorteventid_shortstatehash: Arc<dyn Tree>,
/// StateKey = EventType + StateKey, ShortStateKey = Count
pub(super) statekey_shortstatekey: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) shortstatekey_statekey: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) roomid_shortroomid: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) shorteventid_eventid: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) eventid_shorteventid: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) statehash_shortstatehash: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) shortstatehash_statediff: Arc<dyn Tree>, // StateDiff = parent (or 0) + (shortstatekey+shorteventid++) + 0_u64 + (shortstatekey+shorteventid--)
pub(super) shorteventid_authchain: Arc<dyn Tree>,
/// RoomId + EventId -> outlier PDU.
/// Any pdu that has passed the steps 1-8 in the incoming event /federation/send/txn.
pub(super) eventid_outlierpdu: Arc<dyn Tree>,
pub(super) softfailedeventids: Arc<dyn Tree>,
/// RoomId + EventId -> Parent PDU EventId.
pub(super) referencedevents: Arc<dyn Tree>,
3 years ago
pub(super) pdu_cache: Mutex<LruCache<Box<EventId>, Arc<PduEvent>>>,
pub(super) shorteventid_cache: Mutex<LruCache<u64, Arc<EventId>>>,
pub(super) auth_chain_cache: Mutex<LruCache<Vec<u64>, Arc<HashSet<u64>>>>,
3 years ago
pub(super) eventidshort_cache: Mutex<LruCache<Box<EventId>, u64>>,
2 years ago
pub(super) statekeyshort_cache: Mutex<LruCache<(StateEventType, String), u64>>,
pub(super) shortstatekey_cache: Mutex<LruCache<u64, (StateEventType, String)>>,
3 years ago
pub(super) our_real_users_cache: RwLock<HashMap<Box<RoomId>, Arc<HashSet<Box<UserId>>>>>,
pub(super) appservice_in_room_cache: RwLock<HashMap<Box<RoomId>, HashMap<String, bool>>>,
pub(super) lazy_load_waiting:
Mutex<HashMap<(Box<UserId>, Box<DeviceId>, Box<RoomId>, u64), HashSet<Box<UserId>>>>,
pub(super) stateinfo_cache: Mutex<
u64, // sstatehash
HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // full state
HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // added
HashSet<CompressedStateEvent>, // removed
pub(super) lasttimelinecount_cache: Mutex<HashMap<Box<RoomId>, u64>>,
impl Rooms {
/// Returns true if a given room version is supported
#[tracing::instrument(skip(self, db))]
pub fn is_supported_version(&self, db: &Database, room_version: &RoomVersionId) -> bool {
/// This fetches auth events from the current state.
pub fn get_auth_events(
room_id: &RoomId,
2 years ago
kind: &RoomEventType,
sender: &UserId,
state_key: Option<&str>,
content: &serde_json::value::RawValue,
) -> Result<StateMap<Arc<PduEvent>>> {
let shortstatehash =
if let Some(current_shortstatehash) = self.current_shortstatehash(room_id)? {
} else {
return Ok(HashMap::new());
let auth_events = state_res::auth_types_for_event(kind, sender, state_key, content)
.expect("content is a valid JSON object");
let mut sauthevents = auth_events
.filter_map(|(event_type, state_key)| {
2 years ago
self.get_shortstatekey(&event_type.to_string().into(), &state_key)
.map(|s| (s, (event_type, state_key)))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
let full_state = self
.expect("there is always one layer")
.filter_map(|compressed| self.parse_compressed_state_event(compressed).ok())
.filter_map(|(shortstatekey, event_id)| {
sauthevents.remove(&shortstatekey).map(|k| (k, event_id))
.filter_map(|(k, event_id)| self.get_pdu(&event_id).ok().flatten().map(|pdu| (k, pdu)))
/// Generate a new StateHash.
/// A unique hash made from hashing all PDU ids of the state joined with 0xff.
fn calculate_hash(&self, bytes_list: &[&[u8]]) -> StateHashId {
// We only hash the pdu's event ids, not the whole pdu
let bytes = bytes_list.join(&0xff);
let hash = digest::digest(&digest::SHA256, &bytes);
pub fn iter_ids(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<Box<RoomId>>> + '_ {
self.roomid_shortroomid.iter().map(|(bytes, _)| {
utils::string_from_bytes(&bytes).map_err(|_| {
Error::bad_database("Room ID in publicroomids is invalid unicode.")
.map_err(|_| Error::bad_database("Room ID in roomid_shortroomid is invalid."))
pub fn is_disabled(&self, room_id: &RoomId) -> Result<bool> {